Vintage Sewing Machine eBooks

eBooks to help you purchase, restore and use a Vintage Singer Sewing Machine.

Vintage Sewing Machines and Why You Should Buy One

If you are in the market for a sewing machine you should consider purchasing a vintage Singer sewing machine. Which is why we created this eBook, so that everyone could learn about what great value these older machines are. In this eBook you will learn what a vintage Singer sewing machine is and why you should buy one. Learn about:

•   The history of Singer sewing machines.

•   Kim’s classification of the different types of machine.

•   Five reasons why you should buy one.


The Collection

Take a tour of Kim’s vintage Singer sewing machine collection. Learn about:

•   The Singer 99K, 15-91, 128 and 201.

•   The Featherweight 221 and 222.

•   The Singer 301, 401 and 500.


 Find a Vintage Sewing Machine

Vintage Singer sewing machines are a great deal but you need to find one first. In this eBook you will learn how to find and evaluate a vintage Singer sewing machine. Learn about:

•   Things to consider.

•   Where to find a machine

•   How to evaluate a machine.

•   Attachments that should come with your machine


Restore a Vintage Sewing Machine

It's time to get that machine that you worked so hard to find into tip-top shape. In this eBook you will learn how to restore your vintage Singer sewing machine. Learn about:

•   Restoring your machine cabinet or case.

•   Repairing your machine.

•   Maintaining your machine.


Projects For Vintage Sewing Machines

Now that you have found and restored your machine you are going to want to sew with it. This eBook contains patterns and instructions on making two projects using your vintage sewing machine. The projects are:

•   Table Topper to protect your newly restored cabinet or case.

•   Base Protector to protect the Featherweight's finish while it is in its case.
