3 Ways to Improve Your Free Motion Quilting


I believe that every quilter should be able to free motion quilt. It can be the most creative part of the quilting process and it is a shame that so many quilters are hesitant to do it. It is just another technique like the others that quilters learn so why is there so much resistance and hesitation to doing it?

A lot of the obstacles that stop people from doing free motion quilting come from a fear of failure. Whether is not knowing where to start, the risk of “ruining” a quilt or the concern that the result won’t compare favourably against someone else’s project. Most reluctance in doing free motion quilting, whether it’s manifested as “fear” or “not enough time”, is really a reflection of the quilter’s feeling of lack of control because they’re not certain of a successful outcome.

The only way to solve this dilemma is to gain knowledge and experience so that you can confidently free motion quilt, knowing that your efforts will be successful. I’m going to give you three ways to quickly improve you free motion quilting so that you can develop the confidence to use it in your quilting.

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