Frister & Rossman Sewing Machine

Usually when I am looking to purchase a vintage sewing machine, I'm looking for a machine that looks good and stitches well. Occasionally I get caught up in other details about a machine and I just have to have it (okay, I'm like this with lots of things I want, but that's another story!).

A few months ago I went to check out some vintage sewing machines that I found through a kijiji ad. The gentleman had a lot of machines that he had picked up at an estate sale and was trying to sell them for whatever he could get. I got some good deals on several vintage Singer models, including a 99 and a 128. While there I noticed this older sewing machine that wasn't in great shape (my hubby thought it was ugly and not worth his attention), but something about it caught my eye. I went back to pick up another machine and this poor mistreated Frister & Rossman sewing machine was still there and this time I bought it. It isn't pretty, but there was just something about it that called out to me and home it came.

Old Machine.jpg

I haven't spent much time working on this machine –yet. I've been spending more time trying to figure out how it works and gather information about it. It didn't come with a manual, so it's been a bit tricky figuring it out, but I will persevere.

While this machine will always have faded decals and a pitted and peeling finish on it, I hope that I can get it back into working condition. If not, it will be an interesting decoration in my quilt studio.

Watch the video belowto see more of my oldest vintage sewing machine.

If you've got a Frister & Rossman sewing machine or know a friend who does, please contact me to help me figure out the workings of this vintage machine.
