Changes at Chatterbox Quilts

I've recently been re-evaluating some of the items that I do for my business as I'm finding there is more and more to do – and less and less time in which to do it! Something had to go and it wasn't going to be my sanity, so ... I have decided that I will no longer be publishing my newsletter, Chatterbox Times. The last issue went out on July 27, 2015.

If you were a subscriber to Chatterbox Times, I thank you for your support and hope that you'll subscribe to my blog, Facebook page and Youtube channel, if you haven't already done so. I will definitely be continuing to publish new content on all of these sites, with new videos posted every week on my Youtube channel, Chatterbox Quilts.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, I invite you to contact me at I love to receive and answer emails, so don't be shy about contacting me.
