Telecast Thursday - Janome Circular Sewing Attachment: Intersecting and Overlapping Circles
I'm back from my spring break and ready to get back into the quilting mode! This Telecast Thursday I have another video about the Janome Circular Sewing Attachment. On previous Telecast Thursdays I've shown you how to attach this attachment, stitch simple circles and use your decorative stitches to create more complex circles. This week I'll show you how to use this attachment to create overlapping and intersecting circles. Things get really intricate!
You can watch this video below or on my Youtube channel.
If you have the Janome Circular Sewing Attachment, I hope you've been having some fun playing with it. You can create some really amazing designs with this attachment and I think it would be great to use it to create a modern quilt and then fill the background around the designs with some filler designs, such as swirls or pebbles. Hmmm, sounds like another project I'll have to try!
Next Telecast Thursday I'll show you another way to use the Janome Circular Sewing Attachment, so tune in.
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