Usually when I'm looking for a vintage sewing machine I have a list of requirements: wires in good shape, runs okay, decals not worn, etc. I recently bought a Singer 128 sewing machine that didn't have any of these qualifications. Why did I buy a sewing machine that had wiring so bad I couldn't even tell if it ran? Watch the video below to find out.
The Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters - a Book Review
I love buying quilting and craft books and recently found one that was quite intriguing.
You've probably noticed all the books on modern quilts and quilting that are blossoming on the book shelves. I've also noticed several books and articles on improvisational quilting. This book, The Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters by Sherri Lynnn Wood, combines both of these trends. I found her approach to cutting fabric without using a ruler to be quite freeing - and just a bit scary!
Watch the video below for more about The Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters or watch the video on my Youtube channel.
Are you an improvisational modern quilter? I'd love to hear about your ventures into this area of quilting.
Summer 2015 Review
With autumn officially here, it's time for a summer review. We had an exceptional summer this year - long, sunny days interspersed with a few hail storms and a tornado scare or two. Not typical, but it was enjoyable (except for that tornado and hail part).
While I spent time working on blogposts and videotaping (look for a new course soon on, I did manage to fit in some fun this summer. Here are some snapshots of summer 2015:
We went to the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede and managed to find a few quilts to photograph. Funny how I see to find fabric-y things everywhere I go.
Strolling down the path between the food kiosks at the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede
More exterior shots from the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede
Pizza, anyone?
Yummy mini donuts popsicle from
Getting my western on!
An overview of the quilt entries.
Some of the quilts in the competition.
A few more quilts.
We dodged hailstones. Well, actually my hubby and daughter did as this storm came through while I was in Ontario on vacation.
Just a bit of hail on the back deck.
My poor flowers!
My son and I visited family in Ontario - our first mom and son trip together and we both survived! And managed to visit a few quilt stores and find quilts for sale in St. Jacob's.
Gorgeous hand-quilted quilt in St. Jacob's, Ontario
Just a few quilts to choose from.
Had some water fun, which is hard to do in Calgary, where there aren't any large lakes.
Enjoying some tubing.
Me and the boy enjoying some time at Rousseau, Ontario
Swimming in Lake Rousseau, Ontario
So idyllic at the cottage.
The perfect ending to a wonderful day.
Came back home to harvest potatoes. A good crop this year for a small garden patch.
Home grown potatoes.
Celebrated my ? birthday with my family once I arrived home and then celebrated my daughter's birthday a few days later. Packed up said daughter and settled her back at university in Edmonton. Started back to work at school for me and then a return to school for my son.
Look, hubby baked me a cake - well, ordered one at least :)
My birthday present this year, a Labradorite pendant bought on vacation.
Now it's as if the summer was so long ago. I'm back in the studio working on more projects and trying more creative fibre projects. And of course, keeping my eye out for any vintage sewing machines that may happen to cross my path (or appear on my computer screen).
Hope you had a great summer and are easing into fall with lots of fabric-y projects.
Dan the Quilter Man - Scissors and Cats
Never let it be said that Dan the Quilter Man is a quitter (or a quilter, for that matter!). He is not going to let the unfortunate outcome of his initial steps into the world of quilting stop him. Not while he is still breathing anyway. It is pretty clear that Dan is not ready for the more complex (i.e. sharp) tools in a quilter’s toolbox, so it is time to explore something a little more common. How can you go wrong with a pair of scissors?
Telecast Thursday - Organization with Wunderlist
It's Thursday again, and you know what that means: another episode of Telecast Thursday.
I have a hard time keeping myself organized. Okay, really, I have a hard time keeping my distractions to a minimum, and it can seem that the tasks I have to do in my business seem to be overwhelming. I need a system to keep myself organized. I need a system that will categorize my tasks and break them into smaller chunks. I need a system that will send me reminders - and keep sending me reminders - of the tasks I need to accomplish. Thankfully, there's Wunderlist!
Wunderlist is an app that you can use on your computer, your iPad or your smartphone. Okay, if you don't like to use technology, just hear me out first before you discard this method. I also like to have paper in my hand and Wunderlist allows me to print out my tasks so they are right in front of me.
Check out the video below or on my Youtube channel to see why I love this app.
Do you have a favourite method to keep yourself organized (or are you easily distracted as I am?)? Let me know what your system is and why you like it in the comments below.
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